
yodao | 博客男女


It's not my break-up, I never had the chance to.
It's a friend of mine, that announced his break-up, all of a sudden.
Well, doesn't surprise me a lot, it is actually kinda expected. I never put much hope on teenagers' puppy love, too childish, as I always had thought, not really mature enough to go through all sorts of problems and troubles.

That's why I'm still single, I think (besides that no one wants me, actually). People like me need care, stupid immature teenagers like me. Maybe that's why we are not able to take care of other people at the same age. Come on, we are just 17, we ourselves are not good enough in taking care of ourselves, let it be the others?

I would just rather stay single, being responsible of my own life itself is tiring, and I don't think I am good enough to split my energy for anyone else.

Many say that Love is beautiful, powerful, meaningful or whatever-ful that are good. To me, it is only good to those who are smart enough (or having enough experience) to handle it nicely.Otherwise, it would turn into something troublesome, tiresome, scary and make my life so interrupted with stupid idiotic unsolvable problems, and leave me no other options but to rush and rush until I crash myself into thousands of incomplete pieces.

Such experiences won't be memorable ones, pain and suffer would be enough once, twice is always too much. Of course I need a comfortable shoulder sometimes, but this usually cost me an unbearable price, and I eventually learned to rely on my own.

Am I a little bit too pessimistic? Ya, maybe I am.
Anyway, the good thing about being pessimistic is that you are constantly either getting what you've expected or pleasantly surprised.